
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Charity bazaar photos by Daino

Thank youuu Daino for your professional looking photos... ^^
My apologies for the bad photo quality on my previous blogs...make it.. all the blogs posted before this one. You have to cut me some slack..none of them was taken using SLR or any real cameras.. Thx to me being too lazy to carry a real camera around.. but from now on.. upgrade is on it's way.. I'm finally learning how to use a digital SLR,, so goodbye pocket camera & Hellooo SLR! ^^ it may take a while for me to take anything that's close to these photos below.. but fingers crossed that I'll have better n more professional looking photos on my next blog taken by me!... ^^ 
Meanwhile, enjoy these photos by Daino.. ありがとう! ^^


  1. You are truly an inspiration.
    I hope you did raised plenty for the charity =)

  2. Very2 niceee!!! every piece is so detailed! It be great to be half as good as you => luved it!
